There are currently 2457 photo's tagged, 'Stockport' and their positions change as visitors view them and leave comments.
Ade has the fifth 'most interesting' picture, choosing a classic Stockport subject, catching an impressive reflection.
It was Trevira who captured the Heritage Centre's Sentinel, displayed on the left hand column, as well as a disturbing look at the Centre's wedding exhibition, but it is this photo of Heaton Norris Rec which is placed 10th in the interesting category. Our sentinel warrants 25th place.
A photo taken in my garden gets in at 15th. (A photo of mine of the Glass Umbrella only makes it in at 19th. It is ironic that I have worked hard to raise the profile of the Market through these photo's and one of my other photo's beats it.
We have to look down to 44th place for Allen's first photo. Which is still impressive out 2296 photos. Allen also has the distinction of uploading 1614 of the Stockport photos.
The 2457th most interesting picture, or the least interesting picture if you prefer, is by JayT47, though his photo of The Railway Inn is the 43rd most interesting photo.
But all this may have changed by now. You will need to visit yourself to find out what is considered interesting now.
But we don't just photo Stockport, if you want to see each photographer's most interesting photos, follow these links: Gisleh; Ade; Trevira; Bill; Allen;
Phil; and JayT47.