Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mill one step closer to completion

Houldsworth Mill
Originally uploaded by sparkles..
[Excerpt from Stockport Times 27/7/06]
Plans to convert Houldsworth Mill's 19th century engine house into a community centre have taken a step closer to reality.
Architectural and archaeological studies on the building, which is still officially listed as 'at risk' by English Heritage, are almost complete. The studies will pave the way for an estimated £1m lottery heritage grant.
Robert Reader, chair of Reddish Building Preservation Trust, said: "We've had to wait for the industrial archaeologist and conversation architect to say what we can and can not do. It is a complicated building but I'm sure it's going to look brilliant when it is completed. The building tells an important story of Stockport's industrial history, Built during the American Civil War when there was no cotton available, it showed real confidence to build such a magnificent building.