If you view the blog on a regular basis, it may appear the members of the Heritage Trust spend most of their time stood behind stalls dressed in period costume and having fun.
I assure you this is not the case.
Trust members are very much involved on a weekly basis in what is going on with our town's heritage.
We have representatives who are invited to Conservation Forums, sit on judging panels for Conservation & Design Awards, meet regularly with the Tourism Partnership, aid groups applying for Lottery funding for re-generation projects and give talks about our heritage as well as many other activities.
Our aim is also to make people aware of the borough's history and that is why, when offered another chance to show what we do to the public, a small band of willing volunteers (and St. George) could be seen once more dressed as medieval costume in a park, this time in Cheadle Heath.
Cheadle Heath Pavilion was the setting on Saturday 21st April, for a St. George's Day festival and car boot sale. Music was supplied by the Brinnington Bongo Band and animals and bouncy castle added to the entertainments.
The only one who lost his head was St. George, but with so many fair maidens who could blame him.