Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hallowe'en Ghost Walk

Fifty Ghostly spectres walked the streets of Stockport on Wed Nov 31st.

Led by Steve Cliffe and Jim Clare they circled the graveyard, saw a skeleton rise from a tomb, plunged the depths of the dungeon and witnessed the shooting of Constable Birch.

Thank you to all who took a part in making this a very enjoyable evening.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old Town Inns

The Trust now has a new town walk that they can offer to groups interested in a look at Stockport's alcoholic past.

It takes about 90 minutes and is led by Coral Dranfield, who will tell you the history of the oldest inns and hostelries of Stockport's centre, some present, some past and others a distant memory. It isn't a pub crawl and regrettably there are no free samples.
For further details email us at