Monday, May 29, 2006

Mersey memo

fishing pier on the River MerseyWhat's this? A fishing pier on the Mersey? Has it occurred to the Council that the Mersey can be seen as something postive, not just something to hide with shopping centres and industrial estates? Difficult to believe.

But talking of industrial estates, not far away new offices are being built next to the River.
new development
Walking further west, I finally found the reputed WWII emplacement for an anti-tank gun, reported in April, after looking for it each time I went for a walk this way. It is much more over grown than shown on the WWII pillbox site.

This is next to the recent work to shore up the river banks. The grass is slowly taking hold of the bare banks and Himalayan balsam is growing just as fast. I thought that when work was done on river banks, action was supposed to be taken to deter alien invasive plants. The balsam seems to have benefited from this work. I don't know if anyone is planning action to rescue the Mersey Banks. But if you feel inspired to take action against this invade, you might want to participate in the "Alien Invader" action days at Reddish Vale on June 17, July 8 & 16. See Future Events.
- Bill