Saturday, January 27, 2007

History Man

The Stockport Express (24/01/07) has a glowing article on the Trust and the Blue Plaque scheme. It is a bit misleading, however, so here is a clarification.

Kevin Dranfield is the Trust's Conservation Officer and chaired the Blue Plaque scheme meetings between the Trust and the Council.

The Trust's Chair is Jim Clare, who can be seen down our Heritage Centre most market days, organising the Trust and the Centre and is a fount of knowledge on historical matters.

The article implies that Kevin did a lot of sifting to derive the Blue Plaque nominations, when in fact he was meticulous in making sure all valid suggestions from the Trust, the Council and the public, went forward to the public vote. Kevin and the Council only eliminated impractical suggestions, such as where there is nowhere to position the plaque or where the site is inaccessible to public access.

The vote has been collected and will be announced once details, such as the cooperation of the owner, has been confirmed.